Nice job
Great shading! It all looks proporsionally perfect as well.
Nice job
Great shading! It all looks proporsionally perfect as well.
thanks, I thought AH would be a perfect subject for ansi art.
Really great.
The stars and mountains are amazing, and mushroom is good too. I think thepiece word be better with outht the fire personally.
Not the best drawing I've seen
But it seems to have more soul than most art. The plants on the background look very nice.
I wouldn't expect it to be the best drawing you've seen, but I hope its of some inspiration
I like the blood
Although it looks a little bit like lipstick. As abbuw said, it looks good inverted.
And it's sanford's lip that you missed out, not his nose. :P
awesome man, i thought that i would get like a 5 for this not 9 or 7.
and the blood and characters was my main focus.
Nice looking when small
But it is far to big. Was the metroid logo purposefull?
Really good!
This peice is great, it's shaded very well, and theres enough pen for it to stand ou but not look like a black mess. Everything's proportioned well too. I'd like to see a full picture from you :)
Thanks, yea i havent really drawn anything in a while. mostly workin on music that seems to take FOREVER to get posted here on new grounds.
It's good
In a sort of rubbish way. I'm not sure what it is about it but it's funny.
Very nice
Everything looks sort of realistic, in an absract way (IE the face) and is very well drawn. I think it looks cooler without colour, but the shading makes it seem like you lost interest and decided to finish it quickly. Still very good though.
In this world there are endless cities of polystyrene. The dead are left on park benches and looted by teenagers. Vultures and pigeons prey on unattended babies, of which there are many. Everyone is unhappy. There is nothing to read except takeaway menus.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 10/28/07